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- Time and Talent Survey | Faith Lutheran Churc
Time and Talent Survey Our goal is to have 100% participation. Please submit a survey, so that we know you have prayerfully considered where or if you might serve in 2024. We are excited about serving Christ through Faith Lutheran in the new year! Time & Talent Survey Letter from Stewardship Chair As you all know, it takes more than money to carry out the mission of Faith Lutheran Church. The hours volunteered by the members of our Faith family are a key part of our success as a congregation. Please prayerfully consider sharing some of your time and your talents to help us wrap up 2023 and plan for 2024. We have an immediate need for an Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Financial Secretary. We ask that you have a conversation with either Nancy Jeffrey, Treasurer or Terry Burlew, Financial Secretary to see what is involved in each of those ministries. One does not have to be trained in accounting or financial systems to serve in either of the two positions. As a reminder, God is the Creator and owner of all things; that he created us and recreated us through his Son, Jesus who atoned for our sins by suffering and dying on the Cross. This realization results in our gratitude to God who graciously gives His gifts to us to be shared with our church family. To show our gratitude, each of us looks for ways to serve using our God given time and talents through which we can return some of our treasures. Our Faith family needs you. Make this year and next year the time you step up and share your talents or try something new and different. God’s Peace be with you. The Stewardship Committee Bill Schnackel, Chair
- Advent | Faith Lutheran Churc
Advent 2022—Resources 01 Come and See Advent Daily Devotions This link is to the Advent daily devotion from Steadfast Lutherans. The devotions are available as a pdf download or on a kindle download 02 Advent Wall Calendar This calendar provides daily at home activities for the month of December. 03 Wednesdays Bulletin-11:30am This link will download the Wednesday 11:30 am bulletin for the four Wednesday in Advent. 04 Wednesdays Bulletin-6:30p This link will download the Wednesday 6:30 pm bulletin for the four Wednesday in Advent. 05 Daily Devotions Another option for Daily Devotions from Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft.Wayne Indiana 06 Daily Devotions Another option for daily devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries.
- Pastor search | Faith Lutheran Churc
Pastor Search Updates Finding the Pastor called to Faith by God Pastor Riordan will be retiring from full time ministry this fall. Read his letter here Pastor Fitch Welcome & Installation We welcome Pastor Fitch, his wife Ashley, and children, Kessidy, Eliana, Benjamin, Japheth and Samuel to Faith Lutheran! On Sunday, December15 at 4p, Pastor Fitch will be installed as Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church. The bulletin link is on the home page. Following the Installation service there will be a dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Please plan to attend, and support Pastor Fitch as he begins his ministry at Faith. If you will be coming to the meal, and have not yet signed up, please contact Mike Waltz at . Also, several members have expressed an interest in giving directly towards Pastor Fitch’s moving expenses and welcome fund. If you would like to contribute, please use the envelopes and slips in the Narthex and put your donation in the wooden box with Welcome on the front. Be sure to write Pr Fitch” on the memo line of your check. —Blessings, C all Committee Tom Rafferty , Chair Allegra Carmickle Dana Vogt Jon Hill Judy Clipp Karl Radtke Regina Allman Susan Waltz Pastoral Call Committee Allegra Carmickle Judy Clipp Susan Waltz Dana Vogt Regina Allman Tom Rafferty
- Ways to Give | Faith Lutheran Preschool
Ways to Give Support Our Mission We invite you to share in our school mission by giving through participating in our fundraisers, making donations to the scholarship fund, or volunteering your time & talents. Start Now Share Fundraisers We have a few key fundraisers throughout the school year including our biggest fundraiser: Trike-a-Thon each Spring. We also have Dine-to-Donate events. Start Now Donate to Our Scholarship Fund Our scholarship fund is only made possible through our donors. Consider making a donation of any size to help fund a student's Christian education today. Read More
- Contact | Faith Lutheran Churc
Keep in Touch Interested in our programs? Send us a message, give us a call, or follow us on social media. Phone 812-342-3587 Email Social Media First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! Visit Us Use the form above to schedule a time to visit us. We also have an open house February 5, 2024 from 6PM - 7:30PM. Join us! Address 6000 West State Road 46, Columbus, IN 47201 Opening Hours Mon - Fri 7:00 am -- 5:30 pm
- Staff | Faith Lutheran Preschool
Preschool & Extended Care Staff "Children are a gift from God." -Psalms 127:3 Meet the Team Preschool Director Team Leaders 812-342-3587 Office Manager Missy Collins 812-342-3587 Pre-K Lead Teacher Theresa Reedy 812-342-3587 Pre-K Lead Teacher Sarah Dill 812-342-3587 Preschool Lead Teacher Kimberly Bean 812-342-3587 Preschool Lead Teacher Tara Draeger 812-342-3587 Pre-K Teacher & Office Assistant Sarah Dill 812-342-3587 Pre-K Teacher Assistant Molly Zeigler 812-342-3587 Preschool Teacher Assistant Tara Draeger 812-342-3587 Preschool Teacher Assistant Carissa Meyer 812-342-3587 Extended Care Lead Kimber Saewert 812-342-3587 Extended Care Team Samantha Enzinger 812-342-3587 Extended Care Team Mary Cox 812-342-3587 Music, Art, Chapel Teacher Debbi White 812-342-3587 Summer Camp Lead Sydney Morey 812-342-3587
- Summer Camp | Faith Lutheran Churc
2024 Faith Lutheran Summer Camp 7:30a - 5:30p Ages 3-12 ( all students must be fully potty trained) $240 per week (no daily rates) [Week of May 28-31 the cost is $192, No camp on Monday, May 27, Memorial Day No camp the week of July 1-5 ] $25 per family activity fee