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Time and Talent Survey

Our goal is to have 100% participation. Please submit a survey, so that we know you have prayerfully considered where or if you might serve in 2024. We are excited about serving Christ through Faith Lutheran in the new year!

Letter from Stewardship Chair

As you all know, it takes more than money to carry out the mission of Faith Lutheran Church. The hours volunteered by the members of our Faith family are a key part of our success as a congregation.


Please prayerfully consider sharing some of your time and your talents to help us wrap up 2023 and plan for 2024. We have an immediate need for an Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Financial Secretary. We ask that you have a conversation with either Nancy Jeffrey, Treasurer or Terry Burlew, Financial Secretary to see what is involved in each of those ministries. One does not have to be trained in accounting or financial systems to serve in either of the two positions.


As a reminder, God is the Creator and owner of all things; that he created us and recreated us through his Son, Jesus who atoned for our sins by suffering and dying on the Cross. This realization results in our gratitude to God who graciously gives His gifts to us to be shared with our church family. To show our gratitude, each of us looks for ways to serve using our God given time and talents through which we can return some of our treasures.


Our Faith family needs you. Make this year and next year the time you step up and share your talents or try something new and different.


God’s Peace be with you.


The Stewardship Committee

Bill Schnackel, Chair

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