A Member Congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Mailing Address P.O. Box 1164 Columbus IN 47202

Plan a Visit to the Church
When do you Worship?
Sunday Mornings
9a Divine Service of Holy Communion
10-10:30a Refreshments provide by Members
10:30-11:30a Sunday School & Adult Bible Class
What's the Service like?
You will be greeted warmly by other worshippers.
You will not be put on the spot or embarrassed or singled out in any way.
You will experience a Lutheran service taken from the Lutheran Service Book incorporating a variety of hymns.
You will find it easy to follow the service using the detailed bulletin in both regular and large print.
Hearing assist devices are also available from the ushers.
You will be uplifted through music from congregational singing and our nine-rank pipe organ.
You will be inspired and challenged through Biblically-based, Christ-centered preaching following the three-year lectionary.
May I Commune?
The Lord’s Supper is a meal for disciples of Jesus who have been baptized and taught. Those who have confessed their sins, acknowledge Jesus as their Savior from sin, believe that with the bread and the wine Christ gives us His body and blood, desire to commit themselves to Him in loving obedience, and share the faith confessed at this altar, are welcome to participate. If you have any questions about the gift of the Lord’s Supper, we ask that you consult with the pastor or an elder. Children are invited to come to the altar with their parents to receive a blessing. The wine is served first by individual cups. If you desire to commune from the common cup please extend both hands in an open position.
What about my children?
Your children will be valued as gifted by God with:
An attended nursery for children unable to join the service
A children’s message during the service
Special bulletins for children along with sermon bags
Where are you located?
Faith Lutheran Church is located 1.7 miles west of I-65 on Indiana State Road 46, just a mile west of the Westhill Shopping Center and 15 minutes from Nashville in Brown County. The street address of Faith is 6000 West State Road 46 Columbus Indiana 47201. SR46 is also known as Jonathan Moore Pike.
6000 W. State Road 46
Columbus Indiana 47201
voice 812.342.3587
fax 812.342.7267